Industries Served

At MVACPA, Inc. we have worked with clients across a wide range of industries throughout  Knoxville and surrounding communities. We have provided specialized services and expertise to clients in many industries including but not limited to:

Residential Construction

We work with our residential construction industry clients to provide them with expert guidance through the complex tax and accounting issues that surround the residential construction industry.

Real Estate

We work with realtors, investors, property managers, brokers and others in the real estate industry to assist you in managing your business through all of the complexities of today's markets.

Professional Service Firms

We provide a wide variety of accounting and financial management services for consulting firms, architects, engineers, information technology firms, law firms and other professional services firms.
We offer a free initial consultation for business owners. Please call us at 865-531-2277 and ask for John H. Van Dyke, CPA to discuss your specific needs.